The rollout of Google's March Core Update finished on April 19 and analysis has already been already done and published by a few SEOs such as Dixon Jones, Glenn Gabe, Lily Ray, or Darth Autocrat, as well as requests such as the one of Marie Haynes, to do more to help the website owners impacted, like HouseFresh, an independent publication specialized on air quality who analyze and review air purifiers.
But what have you seen? Have you been impacted? If so, what are the characteristics you've seen correlated to those that have decreased in rankings? Please answer the poll 👇
What Characteristics you've seen to be highly correlated with sites dropped in Google's March Core Update?
High reliance on Ads / Affiliate for Monetization
No or little traffic outside Google
Little or no branded searches
Poor UX: Overuse of pop-ups, intrusive interstitials, etc.
You can vote for more than one answer.
Also, feel free to share your own experiences with the update in this thread!
They're all quite good. I appreciate you sharing  phrazle these.