I'm one of those who think that Google's SGE can be something actually positive for SEO for a high share of businesses, so I was happy to see this article from Mordy Oberstein about it: "Why AI & SGE Means More Revenue Opportunity for SEO Agencies" https://www.advancedwebranking.com/blog/why-ai-sge-means-more-revenue-opportunity-for-seo-agencies
What's your take on SGE impact?
I am torn. What it brings ultimately depends on how well the results are going to be, and how well users adopt them. During my tests, I found SGE often triggered for search results where as a user I would expect and need to see a few links and not a wall of text; if they manage carefully for which types of queries this makes sense and drop the SGE where it doesn't, I can see how it can work.