This is probably a dumb question but I'll ask it anyway.
When you are reviewing impressions and clicks data in the Google Search Console Performance report for 'Web', is the 'Search Appearance' filter data (e.g., recipe gallery) a proportion of the total clicks/imp or separate?
e.g., for the example below are recipe gallery clicks 60% of the total number of clicks or is the total actually 160 clicks?
Total Web (unfiltered) clicks = 100
Total Recipe Gallery Clicks = 60
Thanks :-)
Hi @laurie , this is clarified here: "The chart data is always aggregated by property unless you filter by page or search appearance... and then, search appearance: "Groups data by the specific search result type or feature." So, the unfiltered shows it all. When you select a specific search appearance, you have only the metrics for that specific appearance feature.
Thanks :) Aleyda